1. Voter Fraud puts BIDEN in office. Left does not want to investigate. Now HR1 is proposed to kill the US voting system for ever.
  2. update: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

    Ballot Harvesting | Election Fraud 2020
    Nov 2021 Voter ID does not suppress the vjote or make it harder. It secures teh integrity of the vote and voters right. Everything requires ID and now including covid vax card to travel and go into business establishments in California. What is amazing illegals are not required to get the vax .
    Sept 2021Sept 2021 California passed mail in voting is now mandatory. This is open for fraud and no accountability.
    5 Mar 2021 HR1 Passes in the house. This will kill free voting in the US by allowing absentee voting with out any voter ID required. It is now up to the Senate to stop it.
    5 Mar 2021 No weapons were used in the 6 Jan 2021 alledge insurrection at the capitol. Only one death was caused by the shooting of the capitol police of a female breaking through the window. How can you have an insurrection with out Guns and violence. The left is blowing this out of anything recognizable.
    Nevada Reno Nevada 2016 5000 votes already made out for Hillary were discovered in an US Marshall raid. DA was informed and when they arrived the ballots were gone.
    Project Veritas has video showing Dems setting up voter fraud for this election