Marxist Democrats: 24 September 2022

Joe Biden and the current Democrat party are marxist commumist socalists. They are fundamentally changing America in the words of Obama. They are not for individual freedom. They are following the commumist play book and Alyniski (Rules for Radicals) teachings.

The continued spending and giving money away to those that do not work is one example.

Controling the energy supply of the United States, that was once energy independent 2 years ago 2020, has now past due to Biden's retraction of the Past President's actions freeing up energy exploration and production has killed Americas lead.

Biden's push to take guns from Americans and state that the 2nd Ammendment is not absolute is dead wrong and not what someone who is suppost to defend the constitution would say.

Biden, turned the FBI on to investigate trump and using then as his own political force. AGB or a Gestopo. This again is out of the communist play book.

He said it before that he does not work for the American people. He is now a socalist/communist beholding to the Green party and the extreem left along with Bernie Sanders.

Voter Fraud: Stalin said that it is not about who votes but who counts the vote. The Dems do not want any protection on now voting system. Any republican that questions the election results of 2020 is a theat to the country. However the dems denied the results of 2016 and the Bush/Gore election to this day.

Illegal Aliens: 5 million have entered the USA from 2020 to 24 Sept 2022. The most ever recorded. Biden refuses to stop the flow.

Sodomy: real push to demonize masculinity. Look at his cabinet and who he has appointed to his administration. LGBGQ. Sec of Health, his White House spokes person, new heads of the military, dept of transportation. All have no experience in these fields but are Gay, homosexual, transgendered. The pust to include more transgendered in the military and reduce physical requirements for enlistments.


Infanticide: Abortion, the killing of unborn children up until birth and in some cases just after birth. Following the communist china party on allowing abortion. Now they say a fetus does not have a heart beat. It is a muscular contraction.

Government free stuff.

Taxing the Rich: actulally it is the common people they are taxing to keep them looking to the state for wealfare. Government control of everything. No private property.

Green New Deal:

Islamic supremacy: