Sunday, January 31, 2021 Updated

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Trump put children in cages:

In the immigration under Obama, families were separated and cages were built to separate the children to protect them. Trump did not build the cages Obama did. Trunp did not start separating familes, the Justice system inorder to separate felons from children and protect the children. The left has used illegal immigration to break the welfare system of the US by overwhelming it. They have used it to increase their voter base. The right has not done this.

Trump did not separate families and put children in Cages. Obama did.

Biden Creating Jobs and not eliminate Fracking

Republicans are Terrorists: Reported 31 Jan 2021 from a Democrat Representative in Congress. Wants to declare Republicans as terrorist. AOC says she is afraid of the right and called Sen. Cruze a threat .She did do this and again trying to start division in congress and create one party. Link